Time Included Cloth

Textile research, creative concept and pattern design

Graduation project Design Academy Eindhoven - Cum Laude

In today’s consumer society, textiles are considered disposable products by many. Both the quality of the products and consumers’ attitudes contribute towards this development: people are quickly bored with their clothes and lose the skills to treat and repair them well. But the ‘Time Included Cloth’ textiles, based on the flexible, changeable properties of skin, tempt users to make them last longer. During usage the fabrics will develop positively in colour and graphics by consequences of use that are normally considered negative. Time is now embraced: instead of diminishing them, processes such as washing, surface friction and sunlight increase the interest and value of these four different fabric designs.

Project made in collaboration with EE Labels.

This project was selected by HEMA for HEMA Design Contest.

It has been exhibited in various places, like Textielmuseum Tilburg, Fashionclash Festival, Dutch Design Week and Yksi Eindhoven.


In de hedendaagse consumenten maatschappij wordt textiel door velen als wegwerpproduct beschouwd. Zowel de kwaliteit van de producten als het gedrag van de consument leiden tot deze ontwikkeling: mensen zijn snel verveeld door hun kleren en hebben niet het vermogen ze goed te behandelen en repareren. De ‘Time included cloth’ stoffen, ontworpen door Cox Janssens en gebaseerd op de flexibele, veranderende eigenschappen van een huid, verleiden consumenten hen juist langer te gebruiken. Tijd en gebruik worden nu omarmt: verouderingsprocessen zoals wassen, frictie en zonlicht laten de waarde en interesse van deze textielontwerpen vergroten in plaats van verminderen.

Dit project is gemaakt in samenwerking met EE Labels.

Dit project werd geselecteerd door HEMA voor HEMA Design Contest.

Het is tentoongesteld op diverse plekken, onder andere Textielmuseum Tilburg, Fashionclash Festival, Dutch Design Week en Yksi Eindhoven.

Picture by Ronald Smits for Design Academy Eindhoven

Picture by Ronald Smits for Design Academy Eindhoven

Colouration by Sunlight

Colouration by Sunlight


Frequent Laundry

White Wash with Blue Jeans


Surface Friction

Exhibition at the Graduation Show of Design Academy Eindhoven, 2016.

Time Included Cloth at Textielmuseum Tilburg, part of the exhibition ‘Reinventing Textiles‘, 2017.

I did a lot of tests for this project, resulting in four different ways of beautiful ageing of textiles. Here you see some colour and material try outs.


Apart from the Norm


Cross Comix 2019